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Park Street Angels – a Chronicle of Hope

Inspired by the Rev. Jim Forbes’ challenge that “Nobody gets into heaven without a [note] from the poor,” Park Street Angels, written by Christina Nordstrom, tells the true story of how three people befriended an elderly, disabled homeless man in Boston (who went by the name of “Homeless Bob, Homeless by Fire”) and helped him find permanent housing in Hearth, Inc.’s assisted living center for formerly homeless elders ( The story tells of their evolving (albeit unexpected and otherwise unlikely) friendship with Robert “Bob” Wright, the former “Homeless Bob.” 


The story continued after the book and was documented in a screenplay, The Park Street Angels, which tells how Bob Wright adjusted to his new home, how the friends supported each other through some serious health issues, how he died and how he is remembered.  





Park Street Angels is available in paperback for $19.99 and in e-book format for $3.99.  All royalties are donated to Hearth, Inc.

Order online at  For information call Xlibris at 888-795-4274 Extension 7876.

Park Street Angels began simply as a series of almost daily emails to her retired hometown friend, Sue Straley, with a description of what she encountered each day—ordinary, every-day experiences made extraordinary by what she learned and received in return.  Encouraged by her friend to “write this down!” the messages became a “chronicle of hope.”    

Photos of Robert “Bob” Wright by Tiago Genovese

Angel with an Attitude - Christina Nordstrom
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Park Street Angels, a Chronicle of Hope                  Published by Xlibris

Copyright © 2017 by Christina Nordstrom              Soft cover, 123 pages   ISBN: 978-1-5434-2232-0

                                                                                           E-book  ISBN: 978-1-5434-2231-3


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